To deploy a React.js website on Google Cloud, follow these steps:
Step 1: Set up your React app
If you haven’t already created your React app, you can do so using Create React App:
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
Step 2: Build the React app
React apps need to be built into static files before they can be deployed. Run the following command to generate the production build:
npm run build
This will create a build
folder with optimized static files.
Step 3: Install Google Cloud SDK
You’ll need the Google Cloud SDK to interact with your Google Cloud account. Download and install the SDK from here.
After installation, initialize the SDK by logging in with your Google account:
gcloud init
Step 4: Create a Google Cloud project
Create a new project for your React website:
gcloud projects create my-react-project --set-as-default
Alternatively, you can use the Google Cloud Console to create a project.
Step 5: Enable Firebase Hosting or Cloud Storage
There are two popular methods to host static websites on Google Cloud:
Option 1: Firebase Hosting (recommended)
- Firebase Hosting provides easy deployment for static websites like React apps.
- Install Firebase CLI:
npm install -g firebase-tools
2. Login to Firebase:
firebase login
3. Initialize Firebase in your project:
firebase init
- Choose Firebase Hosting.
- Select your Google Cloud project.
- Choose
as the public directory when prompted.
4. Deploy your React app:
firebase deploy
Option 2: Google Cloud Storage (Static Website Hosting)
- You can use Google Cloud Storage to host static files. Follow these steps:
- Create a new storage bucket:
gsutil mb gs://my-react-app-bucket
2. Set the bucket to be publicly accessible:
gsutil iam ch allUsers:objectViewer gs://my-react-app-bucket
3. Copy the React build files to the bucket:
gsutil -m cp -r build/* gs://my-react-app-bucket
4. In the Google Cloud Console, go to Cloud Storage > Browser, and configure the bucket to serve the static website. Set the Index Page to index.html
Step 6: Configure Domain (Optional)
If you have a custom domain, you can point it to your Firebase Hosting or Cloud Storage bucket by updating the DNS settings.
That’s it! Your React.js website should now be live on Google Cloud.
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