coding filters & rename package name of app using android studio program structure

Rename package in Android Studio!

To rename the package in Android Studio for a Flutter or native Android project, follow these steps:

1. Change Package Name in build.gradle

  • Go to android/app/build.gradle.
  • Update the applicationId under the defaultConfig section with your new package name:
defaultConfig {
    applicationId ""

2. Rename Directories in app/src/main/java/

  • Navigate to android/app/src/main/java/com/your/old/package/name.
  • Right-click each directory (starting from the last one) and select Refactor > Rename.
  • Rename each part of the package path, starting from the innermost folder and moving outward.

3. Update References in AndroidManifest.xml

  • Open android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
  • Update the package attribute and any android:name references with the new package name:
<manifest package="">

4. Update the MainActivity Kotlin/Java File

  • In the MainActivity.kt or file, ensure the package declaration at the top reflects the new package:

5. Clean and Rebuild the Project

  • Run the following commands to clean and rebuild the project:
flutter clean
flutter pub get

This will help you to update the package name across the project.

Developers Simplify Complex Code at Coding Filters!

Developers often struggle with overly complex code that is hard to maintain and debug. By applying coding filters, developers can break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces, resulting in simpler, cleaner code. Filters help to target specific data or processes, enhancing both performance and readability.



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