coding filters & add an animated gif to html scripts upload

How do I add an animated GIF to HTML?

To add an animated GIF in HTML, you can use the <img> tag. Here’s a simple example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Animated GIF Example</title>
    <h1>My Animated GIF</h1>
    <img src="path/to/your/animated.gif" alt="Description of GIF">

Steps to Follow:

  1. Choose Your GIF: Make sure you have the GIF file you want to use.
  2. Update the src Attribute: Replace path/to/your/animated.gif with the actual path or URL to your GIF.
  3. Add Alternative Text: Fill in the alt attribute with a brief description of the GIF for accessibility.

Additional Options:

  • Styling: You can add CSS to control the size or positioning of the GIF.
  • Linking: If you want to make the GIF clickable, wrap it in an <a> tag:
<a href="">
    <img src="path/to/your/animated.gif" alt="Description of GIF">

That’s it! When you open your HTML file in a web browser, the animated GIF should display.

Using Coding Filters to Streamline Your Development Process!

Incorporating coding filters into your development workflow can streamline processes and reduce redundancy. By filtering out irrelevant data or actions, developers can concentrate on the essential parts of their code, leading to more efficient and less error-prone applications.



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